Arkansas Jazz Orchestra
Arkansas' Premier Big Band

Posted March 31, 2016

One of our group had a question so I thought this was a good teachable moment, especially for some of the younger guys. He was in a quandary about how I thought he should handle a situation in which he had double booked.

To start with, you need a calendar and you need to use it. Once you really start booking gigs you will double book if you don't have one, and to the person doing the hiring that is a very bad thing.

Secondly, performances take precedence over rehearsals, especially if you are a member of the band performing. You're not really committed to a band if you do otherwise and you should rethink your dedication and loyalty. If you booked the rehearsal before the gig was booked, let whoever is in charge know when the gig is announced.

Third, if you say yes to a gig, don't say yes to another at the same time even if it pays more. You'll find yourself not working if you ditch one gig in favor of a new one. There are extenuating circumstances. A friend asked me to take one of his gigs so that he could perform with Herbie Hancock. But he first spoke with the booker first and made sure he was ok with the change.

Just so you know, the person who had the question made what I consider to be the right decision.
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